Karnataka Kranti Ranga led by Devaraj Urs comes into being.
Bellari Shammanna Keshvan, internationally famous librarian, was born.
Ramanand Maru Amin, great novelist, was born in Baloor, Mangalore.
India's real mutiny begins with the revolt of Sepoys of Meerut near Delhi the next day.
Dr. D.S.Tyagi, Chairman of the Agricultural Costs and Prices Commission, was shot dead by suspected Sikh terrorists in Delhi.
Tamil Nadu Government withdraws the controversial Prevention of Terrorist Activities (POTA) Bill.
Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, Indian scientist, in the hall of the Royal Society, London, which was packed with eminent scientists today on May 10, 1901 proved that "plants and animal have similar touch sense".
The first day and night cricket match of India was played at the flood-lit ground of the Wilson College Gymkhana (Bombay).
Babur won the first Panipat battle and entered in North India's capital Agra.
Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari, great freedom fighter, politician, journalist and muslim leader, passed away.
Union Cabinet recommends to President the dissolution of the 10th Lok Sabha.
Santosh Yadav becomes the first Indian woman to reach the Everest for the second time.