Yaseen Malik, All-Party Hurriyat Conference leader, was released from Tihar jail.
The Indian Army at Chandilora (Tangmey) captured 15 kg charas, 400 gm dust of charas and 12 kg leaves of charas.
Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, Bengali social reformer and father of Rabindranath Tagore, was born.
Mahavirprasad Dvivedi, famous Hindi litterateur, poet, writer and editor, was born at Daulatpur village in UP.
Sivnath Shastri and Ananda Mohan Bose, under the leadership of the younger group of Brahmo Sama, rebelled and started Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.
NAL's 0.6 m transonic wind tunnel is commissioned. Total project cost is about Rs 20 million.
Pandit Ravi Shankar, Sitar maestro, receives the 1998 Polar music award.
K.M. Cariappa, field marshal and Major General, passed away at the age of 93.
Militants gun down Abdul Ahad Kar, a senior member of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly belonging to the ruling National Conference, in Kupwara district.
Ghulam Hassan Bhat, Jammu and Kashmir Minister of State for Power, dies in a powerful IED explosion near Mandipore in Anantnag.
PM Rao reaches New York for a week-long visit.
The 11th Lok Sabha constituted as Election Commission submits a list of 534 successful candidates to President.
The BJP and at least 13 of its allies rename themselves the National Democratic Alliance.
CBI begins probe into the security scam.