Political prisoners Tarkeshwar Dutta and Santosh Mitra were shot by an officer at Hijli detention camp near Kharagpur. They were arrested for attending the Hijli meeting.
General Manager of Tata Tea remanded to judicial custody on charges of abetting and aiding ULFA.
D. R. Samant, journalist and social reformer, was born at Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.
Yerramilli Janardan Rao, educationist, was born at Tanuku, (W. Godavari).
Ennackal Chandy George Sudarshan, popularly known as George Sudarshan, was born in Kottayam, Kerala. He was a physicist of world repute.
R. Ramachandra Rao, cricket test umpire for one test in 1986-87, was born at Tamil Nadu.
In an important pronouncement, the Rajasthan High Court declares Jains as a religious minority community and allows teaching institutions set up by them to enjoy minority status under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution.
The Lok Sabha adopted a clause in the Special Marriage Bill providing for divorce by consent.
Tibetan, Indian and Chinese troops engage in fighting at Natu La pass on the Tibet-Sikkim border.
Ronald Ross, bacteriologist and member of Indian Medical Service, died in London. He had also received a Nobel Prize.
M. S. Subalaxmi, famous classical singer and Bharat Ratna awardee, was born.
Air India establishes a world record by evacuating more than 1.11 lakh people in eight weeks from Kuwait/Iraq during the Gulf War.
First one-day international in Canada played between India and Pakistan at Toronto.
Rajeev Balakrishnan sets 100m national mark in the ITC International Athletics meet.
Aparna Popat loses to Kelly Morgan in the first round of the badminton event at the Sydney Olympics.
Leopold C. M. S. Amery, British minister of Colonies (India), died at the age of 81.
Kesarbai Kerkar, famous classical singer, died in Bombay .
Prime Minister inducts 16 new members into his Council of Ministers and elevates three deputy ministers to the rank of Ministers of State.