Biharilal Chakravorty, Bengali poet, was born.
Keshavrao Kothavle `Lalit', editor of monthly magazine, was born.
Mohan Kumarmangalam, Central Minister, passed away in an air crash near Delhi.
A raid of nationalists on salt works in Dharasana results in 630 casualties and the arrest of Mrs. Naidy, leader of the civil disobedience campaign.
Cargo Transportation service started between Calcutta and Bagdogra.
The 26-mile feeder canal from Farakka to the Bhagirathi river dedicated to the nation.
PM V. P. Singh clears the Rs. 13,000 crore Sardar Sarovar Project over the river Narmada.
A powerful bomb explodes and another is defused on the road leading to the Imphal airport minutes before the Prime Minister landed to commence his two-day visit to the State.
India declares a moratorium on nuclear testing.
Sushmita Sen (Miss India), 18, was crowned as the 43rd Miss Universe.
The Union Government imposes blanket ban on capitation fee for admission to private professional colleges.
Rani Rasmoni was consecrated at Bhabatarini Kali Temple of Dakhineswar.
Rajiv Gandhi, Indian Prime Minster (1984-91), assassinated by human bomb explosion plotted by LTTE at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu, 40 km from Madras, at 10.20 P.M.
JKLF leader Mohammed Yasim Malik agrees to eschew violence provided the Centre guarantees a dialogue without pre-conditions.
M.S. Sushama Dande (Shiv Sena) elected first woman mayor of New Mumbai along with Savitri Patil (Shiv Sena) as Deputy Mayor.