Sukhdev Singh alias Sukha and Harminder Singh alias Jinda sentenced to death for the murder of former Army Chief Gen. A. K. Vaidya.
Herman W Daendels, Brig-General and Governor General of Dutch-Indies (1807-11), was born.
Ramabai Dongre Medhavi, great social reformer, was born.
Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha, great politician, revolutionist leader and chief minister, was born at Khanwa.
Dinkarrai Dhirajlal Desai, cricket Test Umpire for 3 tests from 1955-57, was born in Gujarat.
Gandhiji went to England till Nov 30 on deputation to present Indians' case to Colonial Secretary.
The office of Controller of Military Accounts (Pensions), Lahore was bifurcated and the pension work relating to Indian nationals was transferred to Allahabad.
Government of India and France sign an agreement for the de-facto transfer of the French settlement of Pondicherry, Karaikal, Mahe to the Indian Union. The merger took place on November 1.
Doordarshan starts afternoon news bulletins at 2 p.m. (Hindi) and 3 p.m. (English) of 7.5 minutes duration on week days and 5 minutes on Sundays.
Japan gets non-permanent seat in Security Council after a contest with India.
Himachal Pradesh Assembly goes global with inauguration of its website on the Internet.
Alauddin Khalji conquered the throne of Delhi. In July declared himself as the Sultan.
Madhavrao Scindia becomes the Deputy Leader of Congress (I) in the Lok Sabha.
Seema Antil becomes the first Indian ever to win a global title by bagging a gold medal in disc throw in the World Junior Athletic championship in Santiago.
Ajit alias Hamid Ali Khan (76), Hindi film actor, dies in Hyderabad.
Chinese and Indian troops clash on Ladakh border.
Loknayak Jayprakash Narayan and his friends established the 'Congress Socialist Party' and Acharya Narendra Dev was its President and JP was its Gen. Secretary.
Azad Hind Government was established in Singapore and Netaji Subhashchandra Bose was elected as its national leader.
Government notifies substantial increase in the ceiling on election expenses on Lok Sabha and Assembly polls.
L.K.Advani unanimously re-elected BJP president for the fourth time in New Delhi.
Suresh Mehta, Finance Minister in the outgoing Keshubhai Patel ministry, sworn in as the second BJP CM of Gujarat in Gandhinagar, ending the month-long political turmoil.