Dr. Asutosh Mukherjee, great judge, educationist and lawyer of Bengal, was born at Calcutta.
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, physics, mathematics expert and founder of Indian Statistical Institute, was born at Calcutta.
Amal Kumar Sarkar, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India, was born.
Pratapsing Gaekwad, Prince of Baroda, was born.
Pandit Motilal, social reformer and freedom fighter, was born.
A 32-member Left Front cabinet led by Jyoti Basu sworn in in West Bengal.
Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, vaishnav Sant, passed away. His mortal remains at Puri.(9/7or 29/6).
An Indian High Commissioner member N. R. Doraiswamy is beaten up by Pakistani intelligence operatives.
Mir Zafar was installed on the throne as the Nawab of Bengal, Bihar and Orrisa from Murshidabad.
Congress (I) nominates K. R. Narayanan for the Vice-Presidentship.
Government decides to grant full statehood for Delhi and create three new States namely Uttaranchal, Vananchal and Chattisgarh.
The Election Commission derecognises seven regional parties in some states -- Samata Party in Haryana, Shiv Sena in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and the RJD in Manipur, NTR-Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh, the Samajwadi Janata Party (Rashtriya) in Chandigarh, the United Minority Front in Assam and the Haryana Vikas Party in Haryana-- These will remain registered but unrecognised parties.