India says it will revive the 'Agni' IRBM programe.
Rikhye Maj-Gen Indar Jit, Educationist and Former Army Officer, was born at Lahore.
Gandhiji informs the Government of Bombay of his decision to march from Ahmedabad to Ras with 33 followers to revive Civil Disobedience movement.
Gangadhar Balkrishna Deshpande, great freedom fighter, leader and 'Lion of Karnataka', 0died. He was a loyal Congress leader.
Tulsidas, devotee of God Rama Saint, great poet and writer of Ramayana, Hanuman chalisa and many many more, died. There are difference in dates 30/7 or 23/10/1623.
The part of Kashmir, North West Frontier Provience (NWFP), was swallowed up by Pakistan. The formality of raising the flag being done in November.
Export Risk Insurance Corporation of India was established through which exporting materials were insured.
Notification issued for the constitution of Jharkhand Autonomous District Council.
Sabi Fernandes, senior photographer of Indian Express Newspaper Group, died.
The Supreme Court declares that capitation fee in educational institutions is unlawful.
Madras High Court restrains, by an interim injunction, the foreign universities/institutions having offices in India from awarding or conferring any degree on Indian students.
Delhi High Court rejects Narasimha Rao's petition seeking quashing of 09 order of chief metropolitan magistrate summoning him to appear as co-accused in the $ 100,000 Lakhubhai cheating case.
Punjab Police men and Indian Railways women claim the Federation Cup basketball tournament at Visakhapatnam.
CBI arrests Bhupen Dalal and three other brokers for cheating of LIC Mutual Funds involving Rs.173 crore.