Many are arrested as Congress agents picket Bombay post offices in celebration of Gandhi Day.
Income Tax exemption limit raised to Rs.30,000; Customs duty on certain drugs reduced.
Jyotirindranath Tagore, Bengali litterateur and poet, was born.
Mrinal Sen, famous film director, was born.
Dalip Kaur Tiwana, great educationist and writer, was born in Ribbon village, Punjab.
The first stamp was officially issued from Calcutta where the first modern post office was established.
India and Russia sign a five-year agreement on trade and economic cooperation.
Tipu Sultan was enthroned as the ruler of Mysore after the death of Haider Ali in a simple ceremony at Bednur. He continued the Second Mysore War against the English. He defeated many EnglishGenerals like Brithwhite & Col. Bailey. Tipu Sultan signed the treaty at Mangalore on 11th March 1784 A.D. which was known as the Mangalore treaty.
The fourth ASLV-D4 blasts off from Sriharikota, successfully placing the SROSS-C2 satellite in orbit.
Fourth developmental launch of ASLV. 113 kg Stretched Rohini Satellite Series (SROSS-C2) was launched by fourth developmental flight of ASLV-D4 from Sriharikota. This carried two scientific payload, a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) experiment and a Retarding Potential Analyser (RPA). It is still in service.
Supreme Court directs Central Government to set up a Tribunal to resolve Cauvery water dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
Tipu Sultan is killed in a battle against 5,000 British soldiers who stormed and razed his capital, Seringapatanam.
Nehru rejects proposals that India and Pakistan resolve their differences and set up a common alliance against Communist China.
Washington, Ike signs wheat pact with India for largest U.S. food sale.
Santosh Yadav became the first Indian woman to conquer the Everest twice.