Killer brew claims 175 lives in Orissa, Excise Minister Prasanna Kumar Acharya resigns.
Maharana Pratap, great revolutionary, soldier and freedom fighter, was born.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale, freedom fighter and political leader, was born in Kotluk village of Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.
Gandhiji announced suspension of Civil Disobedience Movement for six weeks and called on the Government to withdraw its Ordinances.
Pandit Sundarlal, great revolutionary and writer of 'Bharat Mein Angreji Raj', passed away.
Two new gas and oil reserves found off the Gujarat and Bombay coast.
Fighting breaks out at Kharkwasta in the north-west frontier of India.
Militants set Charar township on fire in the vicinity of the Charar-e-Sherif shrine. More than 1,000 houses burnt.
Madhu Sapre, Miss India, is crowned the second runner-up at the Miss Universe beauty pageant.
At least 71 persons were killed and nine injured when a truck carrying a marriage party plunges into gorge near Gasota in Hamerpur district of Himachal Pradesh.
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, founder of Rayat Educational Institute, passed away.
Durga Bai Deshmukh passed away at Hyderabad. She was a social reformer, freedom fighter, planner, administrator, educationist and parliamentarian. She worked for peace, social welfare and for betterment of the downtrodden.
S. Mulgaokar, 82, journalist, passed away.
M. J. Pherwani, National Housing Bank Chairman, resigns following his bank's involvement in the Security scandal.
Hareesh Khandelwal, an accused in the fodder scam, commits suicide by jumping before a train at Dhanbad in Bihar.